Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The rationale

The 2009 Shelley City elections are over. I found myself at a loss when trying to compare and contrast the candidates. The lack of information was abysmal. Granted part of it was my fault. I had not actively sought out information regarding the candidates and their positions. I had not done enough research on the current policies of those currently in office. But when I recently received a flyer at my home distributed by one of the candidates there was no information provided, it simply stated the candidate's name. How was I to make an informed choice?

I turned to the Internet and found nothing. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
Hence this blog. My goal is to offer another outlet for information on Shelley City government in addition to the city website and the Pioneer. This is not a news site in the vein of the Pioneer but simply an alternative way to harness the new media and keep myself and others informed about the government that is closest to them. The Internet is an outlet that can reach more of the population of Shelley than traditional forms and it can, in a democratic manner, rely on the input of those citizens who make up this great city. In fact this blog is an attempt to make contact with the heretofore unknown, disparate elements that make up the constituency of Shelley, Idaho. It is also meant to be a place where citizens can connect in an effort to stay informed and let city government know that we the people care enough about our city to at least talk about the issues we face. So, with that introduction--welcome.

If you have anything to add let me know, you can reach me at lanceparley@gmail.com.

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