Friday, April 9, 2010

A new library for Shelley

In the classical republican tradition I think a good community library is deemed an essential ingredient to a healthy and educated society. The current Shelley library, while decent is by no means completely adequate to the task of uplifting the community: it's small, cramped and lacks shelf space. A new library would hopefully provide for more patrons, books and technology that would be at the disposal of the community. With that said, I not sure after the bond election my higher property taxes will only go toward the physical building or if in that money is a provision that will allow the library to purchase a more diverse range of recent books than is currently available.
So will the higher property taxes be worth a new library? Yes, provided the new library offers additional space (currently there is little space for quiet), upgraded technology and most important a broader and deeper range of books (including audio books) than before. It would be nice also if the new library could become a place of civic discourse, where there are recent important books in all subjects that will promote a more educated and dare I say virtuous people? I have two small children and I would be interested and would sacrifice for a place of community learning, and a new library just might be that place.
For those interested in seeing what your property taxes would look like for a new library click here

For many homes in Shelley, from anywhere between $3-10/ month, the citizens of Shelley might be able to say, like Benjamin Franklin,"This library afforded me the means of improvement by constant study."


  1. I totally agree, and I'm sorry to see that the bond did not pass.

  2. Thanks for your comment. Yeah after the emergency school levy passed I was doubtful--
